
Monday 23 December 2013

december contest results

and so the results of the competition for december are in.

and the winner of this one is................NO ONE

that's right no one entered this one so no one could win it. The fashion witches will be visiting you all in your sleep to turn you into festive clothing. I hope you enjoy being a pair of holiday stockings.

But oh well perhaps in the new year if some people manage to avoid the witches then we might get either some word on purseboy or perhaps will have more people enter.

But instead of the winners entry here is one which i have put together instead. After all not fair to leave you all with nothing right?

witch: this outfit is so comfortable, i'm glad i managed to find that inanimate transformation blog it helped me get all the clothing i could ever need. I hope the blog author is enjoying his new role, after all i gave him the best seat in the house, even if it may be a bit dark down there but at least he gets an all year round position. But now i have this sexy outfit i may as well wear it while i can. It'll be a whole year til i can wear it again. You'd better watch that i don't come after more after all i need a nice warm coat to go with this outfit.

Happy holidays from inanimate transformations.

Monday 2 December 2013

December contest

ok coming up to the holidays so i decided to have another contest to see what creativeness everyone comes up with.

The theme this time is: unexpected

and rules are
1:the submission must be your own
2: be creative
3: anything else goes this time

so for submissions send me an email at

make sure to leave a name by which you want to be referred by as this time it isn't going to be my decision wins it, it will be everyone else judging as every entry is going onto deviantart then the winners goes onto the blog and gets a caption made just for them

I look forward to seeing what you come up with

closing date is 20th December

Wednesday 27 November 2013

not exactly the prize you wanted?

I know what you're probably thinking and you'd be wrong i'm not the top of this bikini or even the bottoms. Those would be alot better than what i am now. No i'm actually the ass on this doll, this really wasn't what i meant when i said i wanted some sexy ass for my prize for winning that competition, now i'm stuck  with no way to tell them i want's driving me crazy someone please come and get help. Oh what's the point no one can hear me now, only other objects who were transformed by the witches in their sleep can hear me.

((and just as a side note the december contest should be released soon, i plan to put the submissions onto deviantart then let you all choose the best one, and the winner will have a caption made about them so get your creative minds thinking))

Tuesday 26 November 2013

miracle product

ladies are you tired of having men walk all over the top of you? well now here's your chance to walk all over them.
Introducing our newest product the wonder insole. This miracle product will change with your foot size and can be made to fit any size or style of shoe. So you can keep walking all over them anywhere you go.
But what else the wonder sole is made from...willing volunteers who signed on to the project as they wanted to make sure womens feet were well looked after. However they signed on and don't wish to be treated as once humans only as the insole they are.

Or for the extra fee or £100 we can take any  man who is giving you a hard time and make him into a cushiony insole to make sure that you can give them a hard time

Supplies are limited so buy yours today

Monday 11 November 2013

the winner

ok guys so i know i said i would announce who won this about 3 weeks ago but some stuff kept coming up and stopping me from announcing the winner so now before i get caught by another witch and turned into her thong for another few weeks here is the winner

and who is the winner you may be asking, well who else but every witches second choice for clothing (after me of course) the fantastic


So congrats, i hope to be a bit better prepared if i do this again, any suggestions for further ideas let me know....well that is if i don't get caught by another fashion witch looking to add to her wardrobe, fancy lending a hand milo? she might need a matching bra lol

Monday 21 October 2013

october contest

Ok so a few days ago i mentioned a contest and i said i would reveal details today so here it is

theme: haloween

closing date for entries: 28 october 2013

1- you must make the entry yourself and it not be something someone else has already done
2- be creative
3- the entry can include TG,shrinking but must end with an inanimate transformation (though may be loose on that rule)

and that's it so if you have an entry send me a file with a captioned image or the image with the text you want captioned included in the email.
For stories feel free to just write them into the email.

send entries to- before the closing date and good luck

Thursday 17 October 2013

more than one use

you: please let me off your foot it stinks and I feel so stretched
her: sorry no can do you have a rip in you so the spell i cast on you is permanent...not that I was going to change you back ever anyway
you: what you mean i'm stuck as just something wrapped around your feet?
her: hmmm... you're right it seems a bit unfair...I have an idea 
*calls loudly* "hey bob you up for fucking tonight"
bob: sure babe but I don't have a condom
her: don't worry about it just bring some duct tape and i have a good alternative
*looks down to you
time for your new purpose as something to be wrapped around my husbands cock when we fuck
you: what no that's worse please don.............
her: hey bob tape this round your cock and it'll stop me getting pregnant, don't worry it's ripped and you can use it any time from now on and clean if when we're done
bob: well your choice babe *grabs you and pulls you over his cock taping you tightly round his cock*
you mentally: no i'm not his condom please i feel as if he's about to blow his load into me right down my throat
her mentally: welcome to the world of being a woman enjoy getting to swallow while inside me but enjoy it it's your life from now on

a challenge

sister: well dear brother isn't this fun you shrunk and lying at the bottom of my shoe I think we should play a's an idea if you climb out before my foot gets in there you win and i'll change you back to normal BUT if I win you merge with my insole while retaining all your senses and get put into every shoe i wear so you can worship my feet forever while sucking up my foot sweat and having no choice but to sniff up the lovely scent of them *giggles* OK ready....go

*she slams her foot in forcing you to merge with the insole*

well looks like i win enjoy your existence as nothing but an insole we have a marathon to run later so that should break you in

update on previous idea

ok as I'm sure most of you have seen a little while ago i put up an idea for community site for caps similar to purseboy. Well currently I haven't been able to find a good hosting site to host it on which fits the criteria I would need so for the time being i'm putting it on the shelf.
However I have decided that from time to time I will have a caption competition which you can all submit your caps and the best ones can be featured on the blog.
I intend on giving more details on the first one on monday 21st october so get ready to get creative

Saturday 21 September 2013

how dirty can you be

Witch: ha look at you filthy pair of panties it's hard to believe that when i transformed you last week that you were completely white and now look at you, you're now piss stained yellow and dripping wet. Well have you anything to say for yourself or do you need more time?


witch: what's that no response well then I guess something more harsh is needed for you then, i think a century as my complete toilet should definitely make you earn your lesson so you'll keep getting your drink from me but now you'll also get nice warm meals from me too won't that be nice for you....might add a sell to stop anyone having to smell your stench and to stop you discoloring

you:.......(mentally) please let me out you have the wrong person you just zapped me last week and took away my speech this one week has been a nightmare please i couldn't stand a century of being your toilet panties.

witch: well since these will be my toilet panties and my magic makes it so that it will eat and drink everything i don't really need any other panties so time to throw out all my others and make you my only pair won' it be so fun just you wrapped around my waist eating my waste for an entire century....i think i'll have Mexican tonight to celebrate

you:*mentally cry as you hear her order a large portion*

Friday 20 September 2013

moving forward

ok as i'm sure many have noticed alot of inanimate transformation blogs are inactive myself included some reasons (i know it's my main problem) is hitting a wall. So with all the blogs down that means for people who just like to read stories and look through captions that there is nothing fresh to see. So with no word on purseboy i have been considering if we set up a blog or site that was similar to purseboy in the way that it is people sending in stories or captions and having them all in one place and run by a larger group of people than would be available on individual blogs.

So what would everyones opinions be on that?
would you like to see something happen again? would you prefer to leave it and wait for purseboy to return do you not really care as long as there's new stuff to see? let me know in comments of this post it is after all just currently an idea

Friday 17 May 2013

purseboy update

ok i have recieved word from ashely on deviantart account on the status of purseboy. Below is the psot she put there

So I've decided that since Wordpress has decided to do what ever they feel like, regardless of what they own, I'm moving the site off of their servers. This will take me atleast a week or so to do, but in the end, the site should be better off, with more possibilities. The site will be ad supported, but the ads will be off to the sides and they will just be the google text ads so they aren't intrusive. If you have any questions or any recommendations feel free to say so in the comments. And tell anyone else you know through IM or whatever that the site isn't dead and will be back soon!

so don't worry purseboy is going to return and i will attach the address here to the new purseboy when ashley has everything set up

Saturday 20 April 2013

birthday party

witch: well we were going to have a party here for a certain someones birthday but unfortunately he seemed a bit busy and after we went through all of the trouble to turn some people like ashley and milo into this yummy cake and candles oh well more cake for me maybe the birthday boy will enjoy his present of being my panties for the day....or a few....or forever hehe

Friday 8 March 2013

Monday 21 January 2013

what do you think?

ok just a few little test drawings i did, they currently have no caption for them but want a few opinions. Constructive criticism only please and do remember this is the first time I've tried this

Thursday 17 January 2013

magical takeover

witch: so i have heard there is a nifty little blog online which is giving away our secrets of witchcraft and turning people into objects it has over 100000 views

witch 2: well then we shall just have to take control of that blog the owner of it should be a snap to convince into giving us power of it...not like panties can really say no anyway

witch:laughs "true that now let's find him, he shouldn't be any harder to get than ashley and she made such a comfy bra for me" both witches snap their finger arriving in front of you

witch 2: well hello young secret revealer

you: who are you and what are you doing here and where did you come from

witch: for someone who gives away our secrets you sure don't seem to know much, we're here to take over your blog which means taking you out of the picture...or perhaps putting you in one on the blog *her eyes begins to glow red*

you: what talk sense and........*your world begins to get bigger around you as you shrink and lose all power*

witch2: wow that spell works so much faster now he's already formed, but to be so much more fun i think we should leave his face visible so any time he's worn we can see his reaction

witch: great idea, well now panties you're going to be my favorite panties and i'm going to wear you always and don't worry about the blog we will keep it going for you and who knows it might provide us with even more new clothes i know purse boy was a good supply for a long time and still is.

you (mentally): please let me it's no use no one can hear me

witch: now then panties say hello to your new home *she pulls down her old panties revealing them torn and soaking wet* about time too i needed a new pair *she begins to pull you up her leg and snaps you closed right against her pussy letting out a soft moan*

you (mentally): please i'm not panties let me out it stinks in here and i'm getting soaked already and.....Mistress is kind to allow me her juices

Sorry for the absence guys but wow you guys really are awesome thank you so much for getting the blog over 100000 views we'll be at a million in no time