
Monday, 16 November 2015


witch: so many dildos, i think i should be about ready to open the shop now. Just think soon you'll all be plunged deep inside your owners giving them pleasure as they wish, while tormenting you unknowingly...i wonder what a never ending erection would feel like as your whole body, constantly aroused and never able to get off....mmm the thought of it is making me aroused, i think i'll take one of you home with me instead of selling you, and i know just which one i want

 *she reaches into the pile and pulls out YOU*

witch: yes you'll do nicely, time to meet your new best friend for the rest of your life, mmm an eternity of darkness in my panties, drinking my wetness, let's go i'm sure i can find a few more men on the way to turn into other more useful items, after all...the market has been so open without ashley stealing everyone first hehehe, i'm sure she'll enjoy her existance as that stripers thong, but i'm sure you'll enjoy your existance even more

you:scream mentally as she rushes out to the toilet, pulling you from your packaging and thrusts you deeply inside her